We have been students of history for over forty years, ever since we were old enough to read books, watch videos and films, and to envision our boyhood fantasies as realities with service in the armed forces.
Today we get to indulge our passion of such things in later life by discovering relics and artifacts of times long forgotten by most, in researching about people and periods we never met or lived through, of great achievements and heroism, of honour and sacrifice, and the things that marked out men and women as the greatest of generations past.
We project no political opinions as to the right or wrong of any event, nor do we assign allegiance or support to any one group over another. As collectors, and guardians of history, what we do is present a snapshot or slice of recent events in the antiques we source, so that others may pursue their own research, and indulge their own
interest in what history has to teach us.